Competitive Socializing Games

For Leisure Businesses

The best experiences to offer at your venue and keep your guests happy

Increased Footfall and Dwell Time

Competitive socializing games, such as shuffleboards, bowling, and AR darts, attract groups to your venue. Footfall increases with these games and they encourage guests to stay longer, increasing food and beverage revenue.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Not just one but multiple competitive social games provide a more fun experience for your guests which are a unique selling point against traditional dining or drinking.

Attracting a Broader Demographic

People of all ages are competitive. We love games. Adding competitive socializing games to your venue will attract guests who might not come otherwise. Families, seasoned players, adults… Everyone is at reach with this competitive social trend.

Increased Revenue Opportunities

With competitive socializing games, you will have a competitive advantage against any other venue. You can boost your primary sales of food and beverages by generating additional revenue through game fees, event hosting, and corporate bookings. Even promotional events or tournaments can be a game changer for your profits.

The Best Competitive Socializing Games

Based on our own experience at Shuffly helping leisure business owners, we collected the most crucial information you need to know about the best activities to attract more guests into your venue.

Get in touch

We're committed to making your shuffleboard venture a success! If you would you like to visit our showroom, get a quote or shuffleboard advice, please feel free to contact us!

Paul en Micky - Shuffly